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Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches WITH GAP | Brown Stuff putty
  • Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches WITH GAP | Brown Stuff putty

Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches WITH GAP


Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches - two-part epoxy modeling putty.

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$5.69 Save 10%


Kneadatite Brown Stuff 

Kneadatite Brown Stuff is a two-part epoxy putty commonly used for sculpting, modeling, and various repairs. This room-temperature curing has excellent adhesion to metals and 90 minutes of work life. It is similar to Green Stuff but sets harder and remains malleable. Brown Stuff has a thicker consistency so it is a little easier to work with for beginners, and it can be mixed with other putties to vary the carving and working texture and also the final hardness.

When these two components are mixed together in equal amounts, they undergo a chemical reaction that causes the putty to harden and cure over time. The resulting material is a firm, durable substance that can be shaped and sculpted before it fully hardens.

Cures very hard, great for finer details such as sharp tips, points, weapon blades, armor, and other hard-line details.

Both strips of this bicomponent in the package are not in contact, to extend its lifetime and avoid any waste of material.

This set contains 6 inches of material --> 15 cm WITH GAP


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Muy buena y facil de manejar. Apta para taladrar lijar y raspar.


Muy buna

Perfecta para taladrar lijar raspar....dureza alta en secado total. Buen manejo. No se pega a los dedos.


Muy buena

Se maneja perfectamente...apta para lijado raspado taladrado... dureza final muy alta

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Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches WITH GAP

Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches WITH GAP

Brown Stuff Tape 6 inches - two-part epoxy modeling putty.

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