Welcome to our affiliate programme. Thank you for contacting us. With this program you will be able to access continuous income, for every purchase made through links to our products and that you show in your social networks.
Below, we explain the conditions of our affiliation and we encourage you to make it more dynamic by sharing your content with our shopping links on all social networks. Let's work together!
What is the Green stuff world affiliate progamme?
An affiliate programme allows you to earn money by promoting and referring our products to third parties. That is, every time someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a commission per sale made (3% of the price of the products).
When you are an affiliate, you will have access to personalised links that lead to the sales page of the brand's product or service. If one of your contacts visits the brand's sales page through your affiliate link and makes a purchase of the product, that sales commission will be automatically allocated to you for later withdrawal in the form of a coupon or cash.
What conditions do I have to fulfil to be able to withdraw my benefits?
In order to be able to withdraw the benefits obtained through transfer, it will be necessary to be able to present a valid invoice if you are Spanish or belong to a country of the European Union.
If you have any further questions about this, please contact us at creative@greenstuffworld.com
If it is not possible to present a valid invoice, the balance can only be withdrawn in the form of vouchers valid for spending in our shop.
The following are our terms and conditions, which are immediately accepted upon acceptance into the programme:
The application to join the AFFILIATE programme is free of charge and does not require any financial investment on the part of the AFFILIATE.
In the event that for any reason the AFFILIATE needs to make an investment in order to develop its activity in the context of this programme, this investment will be the sole responsibility of the AFFILIATE. That is to say, if you need to make an investment to improve your website or to use marketing tools, for example, this investment will be your sole responsibility.
Requirements for joining the programme:
Any person, company or organisation that meets the following requirements may apply to join the programme and acquire AFFILIATE status:
- The applicant must be a natural person over 18 years of age or a legally constituted legal entity (through the natural person who has the legal capacity to represent it), with full capacity to contract.
- The applicant must be the owner of a website and/or a suitable activity (training, conferences, award winning, having a blog, etc.) for the promotion of Green Stuff World products. Websites or activities related to pornography, online gaming, and any website that is in any way in breach of the law are expressly excluded.
- The applicant must own or have rights to the media to be used for the AFFILIATE activity, or be expressly authorised by the owners of the website(s) for this purpose.
- The applicant must have read, understood and assumed all the rights and obligations defined in these conditions.
All those applicants who meet the requirements can register through: My account - > Affiliate programme.
In order to complete the registration as an AFFILIATE, the applicant must provide all the data requested in the AFFILIATE account creation form, ensure that all such data is accurate and keep it correctly updated at all times in his/her customer account.
DATA IN THE APPLICATION that we need to know:
- Country of operation.
- Details of social networks, awards, competitions, mentions etc.
- Tax residence address.
- Full name.
- If you are Spanish: tell us if you can provide us with a valid invoice.
- If you are part of the European Union: please provide us with a valid VIES number.
By clicking on the send request button, the applicant declares to have read, understood and accepted the conditions of the AFFILIATE programme, as well as the provisions of the general contracting conditions that may affect him/her as an AFFILIATE, the contracting terms set out by Green Stuff World.
Your application will be reviewed in the shortest possible time. Once accepted or rejected you will be notified by email.
Acceptance or rejection of the application for registration
- Acceptance of the registration application will be completed once Green Stuff World reviews and approves the application of whoever it deems appropriate and relevant to obtain AFFILIATE status.
- Green Stuff World reserves the right to deny or cancel the registration in the programme to any applicant or AFFILIATE who does not meet the necessary requirements described in the programme conditions. Green Stuff World also reserves the right to refuse or cancel membership in cases where it considers the applicant's profile, conduct or support to be unsuitable for the AFFILIATE programme.
None of the provisions described in these contractual conditions shall give rise, or be construed as having given rise, to the constitution of a partnership or employment relationship between the parties to the contract, which are Green Stuff World and the AFFILIATE. If you have any doubts in this respect, ideally you should write to us at creative@greenstuffworld.com to explain your doubts so that we can clarify them.
In the event of a sale of Green Stuff World products through the qualified link included in the AFFILIATE's media, Green Stuff World will remunerate the AFFILIATE with a 3% commission based on the price of the product including taxes, excluding transport.
Green Stuff World reserves the right to temporarily or definitively suspend the status and activity of the AFFILIATE in the event of tax-related incidents, in which it is officially notified by the bodies involved of the AFFILIATE's non-compliance with its obligations in this area.
Allocation of commissions
The AFFILIATE shall be entitled to be allocated the commissions indicated provided that each and all of the following conditions are met:
- The customer must have purchased one or more Green Stuff World products having accessed the Green Stuff World website through the AFFILIATE's unique URL or qualified link.
- When a user accesses the Green Stuff World website from the qualified URL or link, a tracking cookie will be installed on the user's computer, persistent for a period of 1 month. If the user makes a contract within this period, without deleting the cookie, the AFFILIATE will be entitled to the allocation of the commission. If the user deletes the cookie, the AFFILIATE shall not be entitled to any commission, since it will not be possible to detect that the contracting has been made through the qualified link.
- The generated balance will be created in "pending" status until the order is sent to the customer who has used the affiliate link. Once the order has been submitted, the balance will automatically go to "Approved" status.
- All qualified AFFILIATE links that are part of the Green Stuff World AFFILIATE programme install the tracking cookie described above.
- If a user clicks on the qualified link of one AFFILIATE and subsequently clicks on the qualified link of a different AFFILIATE, the tracking cookie of the latter unique URL will replace the former (and so on).
- For this reason, if that user contracts any service with Green Stuff World, the owner of the last qualified link clicked on by that user will have the right to the commission. The tracking cookie is merely a system to facilitate the work of the AFFILIATES, and Green Stuff World shall have no liability whatsoever in other cases of this nature.
- If the user has not logged in through the AFFILIATE link and commission is not allocated, Green Stuff World will reject the balance request. Relevant evidence will be required to prove that the user has entered through your affiliate link.
Settlement of commissions and withdrawal conditions.
- Minimum amount of €50 (GBP45 or USD50) to be able to request withdrawals.
- There are no fees per method of payment.
- In order to be able to withdraw the rewards in cash, it will be necessary to provide invoices. Please indicate your tax status (self-employed/company/individual) on the programme registration form.
- You must be able to present an invoice so that we can make the corresponding transfer.
- If you wish to withdraw in the form of vouchers, this can be done and does not require an invoice or minimum amount.
- The paypal account holder or IBAN must be the same as the account holder.
- Withdrawals from bank or PayPal accounts with different account holders are not permitted.
You can apply from My Account > Affiliate Programme
The terms and conditions of this contract shall take effect from the registration and approval of the AFFILIATE and the obtaining of its unique URLS, link or qualified link. Either party may terminate this contract with 5 days' notice, and the AFFILIATE must, once the contract has been terminated, remove any Green Stuff World link(s) from its support(s).
Green Stuff World reserves the right to revoke the AFFILIATE status of any member of the AFFILIATE programme for any of the following reasons:
- Failure to comply with any of the conditions stipulated in this contract.
- Unauthorised manipulation of the Green Stuff World website.
- Use of Green Stuff World's identification elements in advertising sent by the AFFILIATE via the Internet such as newsletters, e-mail, or other advertising media such as post, advertisements, brochures, letters, among others.
- Use of the Green Stuff World brand by the AFFILIATE for the purpose of making it appear to be a commercial association beyond the mere agreement entered into herein.
- Use by the AFFILIATE of unauthorised mass advertising techniques (spam). In these cases, the responsibility derived from non-compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, corresponds exclusively to the AFFILIATE, and Green Stuff World SL does not authorise any type of commercial communication by electronic means.
- The conclusion of operations or transactions by illicit or fraudulent means.
- Any other conduct by which the AFFILIATE creates the false belief among users that it has a commercial relationship other than that regulated in the present conditions and which is limited exclusively to the mere provision of affiliation services for Green Stuff World.
- The use of the URL or qualified link for the contracting of services by the AFFILIATE, or by the creation of client accounts with the same personal data to receive auto-commissions or by using the personal data of relatives by blood or affinity up to the second degree inclusive.
- Failure to comply with the conditions and time periods explicitly established by Green Stuff World for the promotion of certain services or special promotions.
- Any other conduct by which the AFFILIATE creates the false belief among users that different service or contract conditions are being offered than those offered by Green Stuff World at the time.
- The AFFILIATE undertakes to comply with this contract and all the clauses described in it, from the moment it confirms its registration in the affiliation programme. The AFFILIATE shall be responsible for updating its website, its contents and the information displayed on the media used in the development of its activity as an AFFILIATE.
- Green Stuff World will not be held responsible for the AFFILIATE's failure to comply with its legal obligations with respect to its website or the media it uses in the development of its activity as an AFFILIATE.
- The AFFILIATE undertakes to keep its website operational for the duration of this contract, as well as the e-mail address with which it will maintain communication with Green Stuff World SL.
- The AFFILIATE undertakes not to modify the links and codes made available by Green Stuff World for the development of the service.
- The AFFILIATE undertakes to keep its personal data up to date at all times in its customer account.
- Green Stuff World will not be held responsible for any incident that may arise from the failure of the AFFILIATE to update personal data, data relating to invoicing and/or contact details.
Green Stuff World undertakes to notify any substantial modification to the contract in good time. AFFILIATES who disagree with these modifications have the exclusive right to request the settlement and termination of this contract, without any other claims.
If the AFFILIATE does not communicate anything to Green Stuff World regarding these modifications within ten calendar days of the communication of the same, it will be considered that it accepts the new contracting conditions established after the modifications applied.
Green Stuff World declines any responsibility for problems derived from the lack of access or those inherent to Internet connectivity or telecommunications networks when these have their origin in causes beyond its control or causes that could not have been foreseen by the parties or that, although foreseeable, Green Stuff World has made all reasonable efforts to avoid them, or that were considered as fortuitous causes or force majeure.
Green Stuff World shall not be liable for service failures leading to loss of data in the information processing system, or failures in the security system or viruses or other harmful software components in the Green Stuff World service.
Green stuff world will not be responsible for any errors in the installation of the links on the AFFILIATE's website or for the function specified in the links. Any type of incident detected by the AFFILIATE that affects the normal functioning of the system will be brought to the attention of Green stuff world so that it can be corrected.
Green stuff world informs that, for technical maintenance reasons, access to the application may occasionally be restricted, the AFFILIATE understanding that such maintenance work is necessary for the proper functioning of the service.
Green Stuff World is the exclusive owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights over the different advertising media, and over the brands, logos, texts, creations, contents and designs that form part of the affiliation programme as a whole.
You may not reproduce, distribute, transform, publicly communicate, transfer or use source codes of any of the applications, websites, developments or advertising media for purposes other than those stipulated in this contract. For all these reasons, Green Stuff World reserves the right to take action against anyone who infringes its intellectual or industrial property rights.
The AFFILIATE shall not use any material made available to it for any purpose other than those stated herein, unless it obtains explicit, prior written authorisation from Green Stuff World.
The AFFILIATE undertakes not to use the advertising marks in any way that discredits or negatively represents Green Stuff World, its image or its brands.
Upon termination of this contract for any reason whatsoever, the AFFILIATE will be totally disassociated from Green Stuff World, expressly prohibiting the use of logos and banners or any allusion to the brand, logos, anagrams, or any other element of industrial or intellectual property owned by Green Stuff World.
Green Stuff World does not guarantee the continuity of the AFFILIATE programme and may terminate it at any time by settling any outstanding payments. Each party is responsible for the content and links it includes on its website.
The data will be collected by Green Stuff World for the purpose of managing your incorporation and permanence in the AFFILIATE programme. The data may also be processed to send information about our products and services, including by electronic means.
The registration data must be truthful. If they are false, the user will not be able to be part of the AFFILIATE programme, and Green Stuff World, or the data processors, where applicable designated, reserve the right to cancel the registration of anyone who fails to comply with this requirement.
In all matters relating to the protection of personal data, the affiliate programme shall be governed by the Green Stuff World Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.
Any information of the parties, the use or disclosure of which has not been expressly authorised in writing, will be considered confidential. The AFFILIATE expressly authorises the publication of its name and web address on the Green Stuff World Sites.
The parties shall not, without the prior written consent of the other party, disclose, or permit to be disclosed to any third party, information to the knowledge of which they have gained access as a result of the contractual relations governed by this agreement.
The data of the AFFILIATE will be incorporated into an automated personal data file for which Green Stuff World is responsible in order to manage the commercial relationship. The user is informed of their right of access, rectification, cancellation and, where appropriate, opposition in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and other applicable regulations to that effect, which may be exercised by letter addressed to this company, located at Calle Chelín, 24 03114 Alicante (PI Atalayas) Tenerife or at the email address support@greenstuffworld.com
Each AFFILIATE shall be responsible for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the Contents of the Green Stuff World Affiliate Programme on its website(s), as well as for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the same and shall indemnify Green Stuff World against all claims that may arise in connection with such implementation, operation, maintenance or contents of the website(s). The same shall apply in relation to any costs that may arise in connection with the defence of such claims.
The AFFILIATE shall be liable for any damages caused to Green Stuff World for breach of the clauses contained in this contract, and in particular:
- When the misuse of the media causes damage to the image of Green Stuff World.
- For third party claims against Green Stuff World due to negligence in the use of the affiliate programme.
- For damages caused to Green Stuff World by misuse of the affiliate programme.
In the event of any of these causes, or any other cause that implies a fraudulent use of the AFFILIATE programme, Green Stuff World is authorised to withhold the amounts of commissions that would have corresponded to the AFFILIATE.
Green Stuff World is not responsible for the contents of the AFFILIATES' pages. Nevertheless, the AFFILIATE undertakes not to use the contents of the Green Stuff World Affiliate Programme on pages whose content, including but not limited to: constitutes a crime; incites or promotes criminal actions or actions against the Law, morality and/or public order, or makes available or allows access to services aimed at their perpetration; includes violent, pornographic, racist or discriminatory content; or infringes intellectual or industrial property regulations and the secrecy of communications.
The AFFILIATE shall indemnify Green Stuff World against any and all liabilities, proceedings, costs, damages, losses or expenses incurred by Green Stuff World in connection with the contents of the AFFILIATE's website, the misuse of the Green Stuff World Content, any incorrect information the AFFILIATE has provided to Green Stuff World, any other breach of this Agreement or any negligent or wrongful act by the AFFILIATE, including, without limitation, any breach of this Agreement or any negligent or unauthorised use of the Affiliate Programme by the AFFILIATE, any other breach of this Agreement or any negligent or wrongful act by the AFFILIATE, including, without limitation, the AFFILIATE's improper, negligent or unauthorised use of the Affiliate Programme, and any technical problems or loss of data caused by the AFFILIATE on the Green Stuff World website.
In particular, the AFFILIATE undertakes not to generate or contribute to generating simulated traffic on its website(s) through the use of robots or any other automatic traffic generation mechanism. Likewise, Green Stuff World holds the AFFILIATE responsible for the traffic coming from its web page/s, who will assume the consequences that may arise from this being simulated. In any case, the AFFILIATE must immediately notify Green Stuff World of any simulated, improper or illicit use of which it may become aware.
Likewise, the AFFILIATE undertakes not to insert any phrase or technological mechanism, such as forced viewing screens, that coerces or obliges the user to click on the Contents that are the object of this Contract, or that could be interpreted as an act of active advertising.
In the event that Green Stuff World detects any type of action as described above, it may terminate the agreement with the AFFILIATE, who will lose the right to the remunerations accumulated up to the moment of communicating the detection of the simulated traffic. This communication shall be made in writing, which may be sent as an electronic message (e-mail), fax or regular mail.
In the event that the AFFILIATE becomes aware or suspects that its links to the Green stuff world website are being used improperly or illegally, it must immediately inform the latter.
The AFFILIATE may not assign or encumber all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of Green Stuff World. The AFFILIATE acknowledges and agrees that Green Stuff World may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party and may disclose or transfer to any third-party information relating to the AFFILIATE's website, email address and other non-personal information.
In any aspects not stipulated in this contract, as well as in the interpretation and resolution of any conflicts that may exist between the parties as a consequence of the same, Spanish legislation will be applicable. In order to resolve any type of dispute that may arise as a result of the interpretation and execution of this affiliation contract, both parties shall submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Document reviewed and updated on 16 December 2022