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What are backdrops for photos?

The backdrops for photos are set behind the miniature or a figure of a photograph. It can be a physical object or a digital image. Photography backdrops are used in photography to create a specific mood or atmosphere or to make the picture more visually appealing by adding a sense of depth and context.

The quality is important because it will be visible in the pictures, and if it does not have enough detail or if it is very dirty then the image will not look good. In addition, a well-selected background will save a lot of time in later photographic retouching.

Types of Photography Backdrops

There are several ways you can make a photo backdrop for taking pictures of miniatures and dioramas. Some options include:

  • Use a plain colored background: You can use a plain colored version, such as a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric, to provide a simple and clean environment for your miniatures and dioramas. This can be a good option if you want to focus attention on the miniatures themselves, rather than behind them.
  • Use a printed backdrop: You can use a printed one, such as a poster or a piece of printed fabric, to add some visual interest to your pictures. This can be a good option if you want to create a specific mood or atmosphere for your miniatures and dioramas.
  • Create a homemade version: You can build your own background using materials such as foam board, cardboard, or foam core. You can paint or draw on these materials to create a customized backdrop that matches the theme of your miniatures and dioramas.
  • Use a natural setting: Depending on the size of your miniatures and dioramas, you may be able to photograph them in a natural setting, such as a park or a garden. This can add a realistic touch to your photos and generate a more immersive experience for viewers.
  • Although the easiest thing will be to use a professional photography background with a super black finish, MAXX Darth fabric. If this is the option you are looking for, you can find it on the Green Stuff World website in different sizes.

Regardless of which option you choose, it's important to ensure that your setting complements the miniatures and dioramas you're photographing, and does not distract from them.

Black or white backdrop

Black and white backdrop has their own advantages and disadvantages in photography. Here are some points to consider when deciding which color to use:

Black Backdrop:


  • They can be used to create a sense of drama and mystery.
  • They can be used to draw attention to the subject of the photograph and make it stand out.
  • They can be used to generate a minimalist look and feel.


  • They can make it difficult to see details in the subject of the picture, especially if the lighting is not well-controlled.
  • They can create harsh shadows on the subject, which may not be desirable in some cases.

White Backdrop:


  • They can create a sense of purity and simplicity.
  • They can be used to make the subject of the photograph stand out.
  • They can be used to create a bright and airy look and feel.


  • They may not be suitable for creating a specific mood or atmosphere.
  • They can be difficult to light properly, especially if the subject of the photograph is dark or has high contrast.
  • They can be prone to reflections and may require additional lighting to eliminate shadows.

Ultimately, the decision of which color to use will depend on the subject of the photograph and the look and feel that you want to achieve. Both black and white can be effective in different situations, and it's important to consider the specific needs of your photograph when making your decision.

What Size of Backdrops for photos do I need?

Backdrops for photos play an essential role in creating a professional and polished look for your photographs. When it comes to taking pictures of miniatures, figures, and other items, choosing the right backdrop size is critical.

Here are a few reasons why the size of the backdrop matters:

  • Focus: Using a too-small one can result in the edges being visible in your photographs. This can be distracting and take away from the focus of your subject.
  • Composition: Choosing a photo backdrop too large or too small can affect the composition of your photograph. Being too large may overwhelm your subject, while if it is too small may not provide enough context.
  • Flexibility: Larger pieces give you more flexibility to adjust the angle and positioning of your subject, while smaller ones limit your options.
  • Professionalism: Using the proper size demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail in your photography.

In general, they can be used by leaning or holding them on an object, or inside a lightbox. The size is important depending on the type of figures you are going to photograph.

Overall, the size of your photo backdrop is an important factor to consider when taking photographs of miniatures, figures, and other small items. Choosing the right size will help you create professional-looking photographs that capture the beauty and detail of your subjects.

How to get wrinkles out of photo backdrop?

Stored or recently purchased backdrops for photos may show wrinkles after unrolling or unfolding. In order to take photographs with a professional finish, it is important that this fabric is completely smooth, as imperfections will be captured by the camera and will spoil the final result of the capture. 

To remove them effectively, there are several useful methods. However, keep in mind that not all fabrics can be treated in the same way because they do not withstand the same alterations. Therefore, you should choose the one that will not damage your background. Among the most commonly used are the following: 

  • Let gravity act. This is the simplest method and one of the ones that works best to remove wrinkles from almost any fabric, as long as you have some time. You simply hang the fabric on a stand and hold it in place with clothespins or in whatever way is easiest for you. The fabric's own weight will help remove much of the sourness over time, usually a few hours. 
  • Spray water. Fill a spray bottle with cold water and spray the liquid on the wrinkled areas. The moisture helps relax the tissue and thus reduces wrinkles. It is important not to overdo the water and soak the fabric, as this will be counterproductive. To finish removing them, use a clean cloth to smooth out the wrinkles that remain after dampening. 
  • Steam. A vertical steam iron is the most effective way to remove wrinkles. It is highly recommended for the most marked and difficult-to-remove wrinkles. To combat them, simply hang the fabric so that it is smooth and, keeping the appliance at a distance, gently steam each wrinkle until it disappears. Before using this method, remember to consult the specifications of your backdrops for photos to avoid damaging them. 
  • Ironing. This is the most delicate system and should only be used as a last resort and when the fabric allows it. To do this, choose a low temperature and iron the background from the back side. If you need to iron the front side, place a thin cloth between the iron and the fabric to avoid burning or melting the material. Remember that vinyl backgrounds do not handle heat well, so this method is not recommended.

A perfect complement is the rotatable display stand and we also recommend you the blackest black paint.