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Tuft Glue 60ml | Tuft Glue
  • Tuft Glue 60ml | Tuft Glue
  • Tuft Glue 60ml

Tuft Glue 60ml


Tuft glue for applying tufts, flock, and other types of hobby vegetation

$5.39 Save 25%


Tuft Glue

It is a water-soluble high-tack adhesive used in modeling and hobby craft projects, specifically designed to create auto-adhesive and repositionable model static tufts or Field Grass. It is ideal for permanently attaching grass tufts, foliage, and other natural materials to scale models, dioramas, and terrains. Helps the flock maintain its shape and vertical position. Tufts can be pre-made or made in their final position. Transparent when dry.

If the repositionable glue, Tuft Glue, is applied on a non-adhesive surface, thanks to its repositionable properties, it will allow you to create repositionable tufts or other repositionable elements by detaching the object from that surface in order to glue it to another surface.

Its special formulation allows it to better hold electrostatic grass and similar materials than traditional Pva glue. It is also perfect for gluing expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene.

Content: 1x 60ml bottle

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Best tuft glue

J'ai essayé plusieurs types de colles pour faire mes propores touffes d'herbes mais aucune n'était entièrement satisfaisante. La PVA n'est pas assez adhésive et es trop épaisse; les fibres adhèrent mal et forme des monticules. Les autres colles que j'ai essayé donnaient des résultats encore pire. Avec la tuft glue de GSW je suis parvenu à faire des touffes bien plates - et non des petits monticules - et denses car les fibres adhèrent parfaitement. A utiliser sur du papier cuisson et soupoudre l'herbes statistque avec un applicateur. Laisser sécher et ne détacher les touffes que juste avant utilisation.
I have tried many glue to make tuff. It is just the best. It seems to be the same they for their own tufts. Great product.

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Tuft Glue 60ml

Tuft Glue 60ml

Tuft glue for applying tufts, flock, and other types of hobby vegetation

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