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Modellsandsäcke x50


Modellsandsäcke x50 - Ideal für ein Basen, Dioramen und Landschaft in 1.35 (1: 43: 32-1) Skalen.

11,75 €
9,40 € 20% sparen


Flexibele Modellsandsäcke x50

Die Flexibele Sandsäcke können leicht in Form gebracht werden. Ideal zum Selberaufbauen von Sandsackstellungen und Sandsackpanzerungen.

Für dauerhaftes Fixieren kann einfach dünnflüssige Farbe oder PVA Klebstoff mit Wasser benutzt werden.

Ungefähre Größe der einzelnen Sandsack: 18x10mm

Dieses Set enthält 50 Sandsäcke


flexible sandbags - packaging


Exelent for dioramas and basing minis

I was going it try making tiny tissue bags for an idea I had and then I found those bags, they made my life mutch easier.
I recomend adding grey paint to mix of water and glue.

Here the result (there is another photo in another post form when i was in the prosses of building it):


damm they look good

i'm happy that i got some of thos sandbags :D


Very good sandbags, simple and easy to use

Obviously the main appeal with these is you can place them however you want. It's basically small bags of a teabag-like material filled with what looks to be sawdust.

I am going to use these with my Death Korps of Krieg, for those they look to be almost a bit big, but the Forgeworld Krieg models are a tad bit smaller than the normal Warhammer scale, so for Warhammer these are perfect!

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Modellsandsäcke x50

Modellsandsäcke x50

Modellsandsäcke x50 - Ideal für ein Basen, Dioramen und Landschaft in 1.35 (1: 43: 32-1) Skalen.

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