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    Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm | Tonde
    • Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm | Tonde
    • Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm | Tonde
    • Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm

    Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm


    Basi MDF - Tonde 60mm

    2,59 $


    Basi MDF - Tonde 60mm

    Set di basi legno MDF tagliate con laser ad alta precisione. Perfette per modellismo, wargames, giochi di ruolo, miniature, ecc.

    Forma: Tonda
    Spessore: 3mm
    Contenuto: 5 per confezione.
    Dettagli del prodotto

    Excellent but could be more excellent

    I like these bases because it's easy to sculpt features onto the base using polymer clay and the base stays safe as the clay bakes.

    I have only one suggestion for improvement. GSW's plastic bases have wells on the bottom for placing magnets. I imagine it would cost almost exactly the same amount to produce mdf bases with a similar well or hole as it would to produce them without one. Why not an add an option for MDF bases with a magnet well?

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    Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm

    Basi MDF - Tonde 60 mm

    Basi MDF - Tonde 60mm

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