PROJETSProjets.Projets de figures peintes et sculptures modelées à l'échelle

Mumak Mortis Engine Conversion


This is my personal conversion of the "Mortis Engine" model.

I started from a basic Mumak model from The Lord of the Rings (GW), then I applied on his back a platform (thanks to the help of some magnets) that support the Mortis Engine.

Finally I added some decoration to the whole model.

Unfortunately I have not yet found the time to paint it, but I wanted to publish the project anyway.

I hope you will like it.

Catégorie: Modeling and sculpture Fantasy Undead

Mumak Body Conversion

I started making the mumak bulkier with a lot of greenstuff.

The body has been enlarged thanks to the use of multiple plastic bars.


Mortis Engine Conversion

After completing the mumak's body, I started to convert the Mortis Engine model.


The Complete Model

Here is the complete model.

As soon as I have time, I will paint it.

Thanks for watching!
