PROYECTOSProyectos de Pintado de figuras, esculturas y modelados a escala

Saruman the White

Painting the Lord of Isengard was a great experience for me.

He was a noble old man with a strong ambition.

I like his face.

I hope you like him!

Categoría: Modeling and sculpture Fantasy Human

The black horse

I tried not to use black for the black horse.
First,I painted the horse brown and added highlight and shadow.



This fine model has even wrinkles between the eyebrows.
I referred to a lot of pictures of the legendary actor Christopher Lee.


I tried to express without using white for his impressive long robe.
I basecoated the robe with light yellow-green.
I used violet for shadows and pastel light green for highlights.
I think it became cool with the same highlights as the horse.



I used wood bark chips,static grass and pebbles for the base.
I imagined the desolate wasteland of Isengard.



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