PROJECTSPainted figures, sculptures and scale modeling projects

Zombie pirate LeRat

Skaven, 32mm based, for an underworld bloodbowl team. The original miniature before cloning and sculpting is from Punga Miniatures (I will upload the whole team once it is finished)

Category: Modelados y escultura Fantasí­a Skaven

Miniature clonning using blue stuff/oyumaru, belly removal and ribbs addition using rigid electric wire.


Sculpting with green stuff and Milliput. Crow's skeleton with wire and brass rod voodoo needles

01_LeRat 02_LeRat 03_LeRat 04_LeRat

First paint layers

05_LeRat 06_LeRat

Final result

08_LeRat 09_LeRat

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