PROJEKTEProjekte von Gemalten Gestalten, Skulpturen und Skalenmodellierung


Hi there ^^

May I show you my first ever greenskin ? A "beautifull" warboss ork ^^

I've painted many minis during my mini life but never ever a greenskin... Until now ^^

I really enjoyed myself, testing lots and lots painting stuff I rarely use.

The base was very exciting too to construct and paint.

I couldn't resist to give him some glowing pigments too ^^

If you want to know more of him or about a more detailed making of, you can clik on the following link to my Temple :


I hope you like it ^^



Kategorie: Modelage et Sculpture Sci-Fi

STEP 1 : Black Basecoat

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STEP 1 : Black Basecoat

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STEP 2 : First coats

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STEP 3 : Inks & highlights... Inks & hignlights...

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I put some brown ink and black ink to give a first contrast to the details...


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... Then I highlight all of the mini, especially on the green skin...


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The skin is very important so I push the highlight to a mid yellow...


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... And I put a very light green ink. I finish with violet ink in the dark parts to give a beautifull contrast ^^



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I pay attention to the very last details : cyber-eye, hazard stripes... etc etc...


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But don't forget that an ork is a little bit "messy" so I give some rusty ambiant on his shoes, weapons, banner... And I finally decided to push myself painting the mouth ^^


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At this point, the warboss is (finally !!) finished so I varnish him ^^


STEP 5 : Warboss achieved (WAAAAAAAAGH !! ^^)

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After making a nice base representing some green mushrooms and wastes, my warboss ork is totally achieved and ready to the fight !! WAAAAAAGH !! XD

STEP 6 : BONUS EFFECTS (glowing pigments)

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I couldn't resist to play with glowing pigments so I put some green on the mushrooms + green, blue and orange on the cyber eye lens ^^

The results under UV light is very funny ^^


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Something big and scary is coming...


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Run awaaaaaaaaaay !!! XD


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How terrifying indeed !! XD