PROJETSProjets.Projets de figures peintes et sculptures modelées à l'échelle

Necronic Rolling Pin

Make your own Necron bases with our new Rolling Pin.

Catégorie: Modelados y escultura Bases Bases de Juego

Esta es la forma mas rápida para que tu ejercito Necron luzca unas bases perfectas.






Anonymous User 2018-10-01 20:41:58

We are producing a new tool to be ab le to cut them like this , give 1 month.nEstamos produciendo una herramienta para poder cortarlos así, dame 1 mes.

Anonymous User 2018-08-05 00:39:21

To the anon asking for the circles: While i imagine GSW is eventually going to come up with a product just for this, because this is how GSW do, for now we can manage on our own. Just this week Girlpainting came up with the idea of using bottlecaps: And i've heard people recommending using stainless steel cookie cutters. I for one just manage getting them to the approximate size then sand them down once dry. And of course you can also use the thing of making a big sheet, cutting it in pieces and using them as "big piece of rock with engravings" like they do on the demo of the Tau bases., which also works just nicely.

Anonymous User 2018-07-24 19:03:55

Hello, how do you cut perfect circles like this? Before of after puting it in the oven? Thanks.

Anonymous User 2018-07-24 13:11:04

¿Comó se cortan los ciclos redondas?nHow do you cut the perfect circles?

Anonymous User 2018-07-24 08:02:25

But, how to cut those rounds so precisely? Thanks