PROYECTOSProyectos de Pintado de figuras, esculturas y modelados a escala

Sloppity Bilepiper & The happy little Grottling

I have been making and painting warhamer models for most of my life, and, have always had a bit of an obsession with Chaos. The way that they evolve, adapt and expand to cover, change and corrupt everything has made for the most incredibly inspired models that I have seen. This one is has so much character that I just couldnt resist! Throughout the proccess I have tried to capture the two main features of the model; his overbearing foetid state and his inexplicable level of manic joy.

Categoría: Modeling and sculpture Fantasy Demons


Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 2

Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 1 Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 3 Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 4 Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 6 Sloppity Bilepiper WIP 7