PROJEKTEProjekte von Gemalten Gestalten, Skulpturen und Skalenmodellierung

Logan Grimnar on Stormrider

Logan Grimnar epitomizes the noble fury of his people. He is a figure of awe and the warrior king of the Space Wolves. A fearsome warrior with immense martial pride Grimnar never backs down from a fight. Drawn into battle on an ancient relic of the Chapter known as Stormrider and armed with his axe Morkai - an ancient artefact of immense power - the Old Wolf inspires such unshakable loyalty that he has led the Sons of Russ into unimaginable terrors and emerged with victory grasped firmly in his claws.

Kategorie: Modelados y escultura Sci-Fi Varios



Anonymous User 2018-08-25 23:22:53

Oh my gosh, I totally love the frozen lake optic! How did you do this? I would love to create some gems in a similar optic *-*

Anonymous User 2018-08-10 16:26:22


Anonymous User 2018-08-08 19:37:38

Muy buena

Anonymous User 2018-08-08 14:12:58

I like your snowing scenery... And Santa Klaus is very angry and violent this year !! XDrnServiteur,rnMorikun