PROJEKTEProjekte von Gemalten Gestalten, Skulpturen und Skalenmodellierung


In this, my first tutorial here, I will show how to make in a simple and quick way, a scenic base that represents a woodland environment.

Kategorie: Modelados y escultura Bases Bases Display

Placement of scenic elements

Start gluing to the base lots of little stones (with cianocrilate) and bits of plaster (with PVA glue). Also anchor a pair or three twisted branches or roots (not only glue, it´s better to anchor them with a hand drill and a clip). We have to take care of leaving the anchoring area of the miniature free of stones or anything.PEANA1

Sealing and texturing elements

Next, with a mix of very fine sand (it´s also beter if we use several sizes of sand all together), wáter and PVA glue, we cover the most of the base, leaving free the top of the rocks and the branches.PEANA2


Once all is dry, we primed in black the whole scene, filling all the gaps.PEANA3


Now I apply two coats of Brown spray primer, from Army painter, from above, to start the ligths. And after, one final coat of white spray, very thin, and from above too.PEANA4

Sombras y entonación

And for the last and funier part, I give lot of paint washes to the scene, to create the forest atmosphere. I used dark and cold green tones in the back of the scene, and more warm tones in the front, trying  to create a little sensation of depth. Also use dark red tones (complementary color of the green) in the shadow zones of the trees, to give a little more contrast.


Final result

And finally, can place the miniature in the middle of the scene. I like a lot how does it work the contrast between the well-defined, clean figure (like a comic book) and the more blurry, realistic scene.  Hope it will be useful to anyone.