PROJEKTEProjekte von Gemalten Gestalten, Skulpturen und Skalenmodellierung

Modular board for Space Hulk

Modular board to play Space Hulk in 3d environment, it is designed so that different board sections can be assembled with the same pieces. You can assemble all kinds of sections of the board game and you can also make new shapes that you can think of. The limit is your imagination!

Kategorie: Modelados y escultura Sci-Fi Varios

Parts design

The great difficulty of the project is designing the pieces so that everything fits! In large and tangled boards, everything has to go to the millimeter or the pieces will not square. Once the measures have been established, it is time to add scenery to give a sinister touch of a space wreck that houses an ancient evil ...

paso 1 

Comenzamos con la pintura

To ensure a good grip of the paint it is necessary to apply a primer coat


WhatsApp Image 2020-12-03 at 18-33-25

Pintado de miniatura

A miniature must be prepared for the scene

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-03 at 18-35-30

Resultado final

This is the result, the board is used to play Space hulk, like any science fiction board game, to make dioramas, photos of miniatures, even scenery for Warhammer 40k or Kill Team.

Hope you like.

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-03 at 00-31-24


I decided to integrate the doors into the dash with the removable leaf.


Anonymous User 2020-12-03 19:15:19

Maravilloso proceso de creación, no sería mala idea un set de rodillos para hacer esto, incluso por separado para paredes y escenografía, así como un suelo de interior de nave.nEso si, queremos más fotos!!

Anonymous User 2020-12-03 19:12:57

Una pasada! El pintado, la impresión... está todo genial

Anonymous User 2020-12-03 10:33:23

Hola...faltan fotos por subir. Si tienes alguna duda de como, contacta con :